Top-7 Ethereum Crypto Bridges for Seamless Token Swaps in 2024
Bridge the Gap: Top-7 Ethereum Crypto Bridges 2024 photo
By: Mario

Bridge the Gap: Top-7 Ethereum Crypto Bridges 2024

Table of Contents

We present to you the Top-7 best bridges designed for exchanging assets on the Ethereum network. Each of these bridges has unique features that make them worth adding to your bookmarks. Bridges refer to a more advanced and faster way of exchanging digital currencies compared to exchange trading, P2P or DEX transactions. When exchanging via bridges, take into account the reliability of the bridge, the number of supported networks and tokens, and the size of the transaction fee.

We have selected for our small rating only reliable blockchain bridges that have passed all possible security audits. Connecting to them does not require KYC and registration, and is done through a regular Metamask wallet. It may be necessary to switch between different Metamask networks, which will not be any problem.

Transactions on the blockchain will require a gas fee, so it's up to you to decide how much you think it would be worthwhile to exchange. Also, the bridge commission is charged for the exchange, which starts from 0.1% per exchange and reaches 1-2% or more.

Defiway Bridge

Defiway Bridge is in first place in our rating because of the lowest commissions and support of BASE and TRON networks. Let's list all the valid exchange destinations:

  • Ethereum - USDT, USDC, WBTC (Wrapped bitcoin).
  • BNB chain (BNB) - USDT, USDC, ETH, BTCB (Bitcoin BEP2).
  • Polygon (MATIC) - USDT, USDC, WETH (Wrapped Ethereum), BTC.
  • Tron (TRX) - USDT, USDC.
  • Arbitrum One - WBTC, USDC.e, USDT.
  • Avalanche C-Chain - WBTC.e, WETH.e, USDC.e, USDT.e.
  • Bitcoin - BTC.
  • Cronos - WBTC, WETH, USDC, USDT.
  • Optimism - WBTC, USDC.e, USDT, USDC.

In addition to a wide choice of networks for exchange, Defiway Bridge is interesting by the lowest bridge commission, which is 0.1%.

Such a significant reduction in commission was due to the use of Layer 2 (L2) solutions for the Ethereum network. Also Defiway Ethereum Bridge is characterized by high speed of operation - the exchange is almost instantaneous. The security of user funds is ensured with the help of a system of pools and multi-signature technology. You can contact technical support on the website of the bridge.


Orbiter.finance bridge is perfect for Ethereum Layer 2 (L2) exchanges. Supported networks include Linea, Zkfair, Optimism, BNB chain, Arbitrum, Manta and many other blockchains. It uses its own exchange technology called cross-rollup. Also, this bridge is worth visiting for those interested in Zk-snark technology and its implementations in the Ethereum network. At the same time, the commissions of Orbiter.finance bridge cannot be called low.

The commission for trading ETH is 0.2%, the commission for trading USDC is 0.3%. The above Defiway Bridge with 0.1% commission wins significantly. And if Defiway Bridge belongs to Trustless bridges, then Orbiter.finance is a Trusted bridge, which is a part of the infrastructure of the centralized crypto exchange OKX.

Synapse Protocol

Synapse Protocol belongs to the new generation of cross-chain bridges. Here you can exchange wETH (wrapped Ethereum) for SOL coins of the Solana network. It is also possible to reverse SOL to wETH, as well as to USDT and USDC. Also Synapse Protocol is DeFi services and a bridge for exchanging assets in the Solana network.

You can connect to this bridge using the following digital wallets:

  • Rainbow.
  • Coinbase wallet.
  • MetaMask.
  • WalletConnect.
  • Argent.
  • Trust Wallet.
  • Ledger.
  • Rabby wallet.
  • Solflare (wallet for Solana network).

Thus, the list of supported wallets includes almost all EVM-compatible wallets and one coin wallet on the Solana blockchain. Synapse Bridge is of interest to developers who can embed program code for blockchain-to-blockchain exchanges into their applications. Both the exchange of wrapped assets and the exchange of native assets across cross-chain pools are supported. RFQ Bridging technology is used to accelerate counter requests. A large number of DeFi applications are also based on this bridge.

Portal Token Bridge

Portal Token Bridge will be of interest to those who want to experience the Wormhole cryptographic technology. It relates to the Ethereum network and allows easy and simple conversion between wrapped Ethereum (wETH) in seven different EVM-compatible networks. It uses a proprietary wrapped Ethereum format called xETH.

A large number of new networks are supported, including both EVM-compatible and non-EVM-compatible networks:

  • Evmos.
  • Kujira.
  • Akala.
  • Sei.
  • Algorand.
  • Optimism.
  • Osmosis.
  • Arbitrum.
  • BASE.
  • Sui.
  • Aptos.
  • Solana.
  • Celo.
  • BSC.
  • Polygon.
  • Ethereum.

Wormhole in the form of a widget and SDK is worth trying out for developers who create DeFi applications. Regular users will be interested in exchanging tokens between Ethereum, Arbitrum, BASE, Optimism, Polygon, BNB chain and Avax. Theoretically, Wormhole can provide exchange commissions at the level of 0.02-0.04%. In practice, such low commissions are still far away, and Defiway Bridge with 0.1% commission is cheaper than this bridge with Wormhole support.


Layerswap is for those who can't wait to become one of the first users of the new blockchain. Here you can buy tokens of StarkNet, ZkSync Era, Polygon ZkEVM, ImmutableX, Mantle and many other newer blockchains. More than 15 blockchains are supported, on which cryptocurrency exchange tokens run.

Layerswap partners with a variety of DEXs, Dapps and wallets to continually expand the list of possible exchange destinations. Users choose Layerswap to work with dapps, store NFTs and other valuables in different networks, and bridge coin withdrawals. The exchange fee is usually within 2-3$ regardless of the exchange amount.


Symbiosis is not only a cross-chain exchange protocol, but also a DAO, whose participants profit from the project's activity. The exchange here takes place using sUSDC, sBUSD, sWETH and other wrapped digital assets of its format. These coins are equivalently exchanged for USDC, USDC.e, BUSD, and WETH used by other blockchain bridges, DEXs, and exchanges.

Symbiosis users can deposit sUSDC, sBUSD, sWETH, and other wrapped digital assets into staking for additional profits. Speed cannot be called a strong point of this bridge, with exchanges taking up to 24 hours. A fee (gas) is paid for all transactions on the Symbiosis blockchain.

Allbridge Core

Allbridge Core is a bridge that has a specific focus. It is designed only for exchanging stablecoins, which are issued based on Ethereum blockchain and other blockchains. You can buy and sell USDT and USDC issued on Ethereum, Polygon, Optimism (OP), Tron (TRX), Avalanche blockchains.

Only 100 USDT or USDC can be exchanged. Exchange commission depends on the size of the transaction and the higher the transaction volume, the lower the commission percentage. This is an indispensable service for a cryptocurrency exchanger or an experienced trader who works with stablecoins streams in several networks at once.

Why these Top 7 blockchain bridges are worth considering

Experienced cryptocurrency users already know all these bridges and appreciate each of them for their contribution to the decentralized exchange industry. Defiway Bridge is for those who value speed and economy in exchange transactions and are interested in the opportunities offered by the BASE and TRON networks. Orbiter.finance Bridge will interest those who like to experiment with Layer 2 (L2) solutions for the Ethereum network in search of the cheapest gas.

Synapse Protocol will suit cryptocurrency enthusiasts who go beyond the Ethereum network and work with the Solana network. DeFi app developers should also look at Synapse Bridge. Portal Token Bridge is interesting for its support of Wormhole technology, as well as working with seven types of wETH via xETH, which is done here. Portal Token Bridge's selection of supported networks will be sufficient for even the most fastidious cryptocurrency enthusiast.

Layerswap for advanced Ethereum users who are interested in the latest blockchains. Exchanging through this site will be a great opportunity to familiarize yourself with tokens and coins that almost no one else has yet. Symbiosis is the cross-chain exchange we've been missing. After all, here you can also earn profits from Ethereum-based coin staking. And Allbridge Core is unrivaled when it comes to exchanging stablecoins on the Ethereum blockchain and other blockchains.